Monday, September 28, 2009

Cmaptools software in the Teaching of Chemistry to Teacher Training Students (#ecer2009)

Cmaptools software in the Teaching of Chemistry to Teacher Training Students

Aguirre-Pérez, Constancio: University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

There are a variety of kinds of map (e.g. hierarchical, flow chart, spider diagram...) and they can be used for a variety of purposes, for example: Selection, Range, Assembling, Arranging and Linking & Labelling.

The researchers uses Cmap - a free tool. This allows the creation and sharing of concept maps. Researcher found that the sharing and studying of concept maps helped encourage consensus. It helped improved understanding of the topic mapped. Helped with reasoning ad higher order skills - encouraged them to go beyond memorising.

Question asked was would different subject areas tend to favour different types of maps? Researcher admitted that most of the Chemistry maps were hierarchical but wasn't sure if different subjects would use different types of maps.

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